The Only Lawyer Made For The Courtroom


What to Do if Your Loved One Has Been Injured in an Accident

Accidents are difficult not only for the injured person, but for their friends and family as well. No one wants to see their loved ones suffer. If your friend or family member has been injured, you naturally want to do everything you can to help, but in the chaos after an accident, it can be difficult to know how to help… -Read More


DUI or DWI | Why You Need an Attorney

A DUI or DWI is no small matter. And many people get these two terms mixed up, or use them interchangeably. They are in fact very different and each state may have specific laws regarding these offenses. This is why it is important to contact a skilled criminal defense attorney in Ponca City who will be knowledgeable in the laws of your specific state… -Read More


FAQS About Insurance Disputes

How Do I Know That I am in an Insurance Dispute?
The minute you and your insurance company do not agree on how to process your claim or how much they want to pay you, you are in dispute… If you feel like something is wrong with your claim or the settlement they want to give you, you should contact an attorney right away…  -Read More


Have You Been Injured? | Why You Need an Attorney 

If you or a loved one have been injured in an accident caused by the negligence of another person then you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills and other accident related expenditures… -Read More